速報APP / 藝術與設計 / Office Desk Design

Office Desk Design





版本需求:Android 2.3 以上版本



Office Desk Design(圖1)-速報App

One of the furniture that supports activities or work activities is an office desk. The table is furniture that is flat, supported by four table legs. Tables are generally paired with chairs. Because of its function to simplify and help work, then choosing a table for work in the office cannot be arbitrary. With a minimalist office desk can be a solution.

Office Desk Design(圖2)-速報App

If we enter a modern office area, we will certainly be treated to a variety of furniture with a minimalist, modern and functional design. Modern office desk itself now uses a lot of types of designs and a combination of materials that have good function and quality.

Office Desk Design(圖3)-速報App

Therefore, in this application presents various office desk designs that can inspire you to determine the type and design of a comfortable office desk.

Office Desk Design(圖4)-速報App